Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Love Jihad

Syed and Gayatri didn't mean to fall in love. But love happens when you least expect it. It creeps up suddenly. When someone needs attention, care, conversation, laughter and maybe even intimacy. Love doesn't look at logic, or at backgrounds and least of all, religion.

Gayatri was from a very conservative South Indian family that went to a temple every Saturday. Syed bought goats for his family every Eid. That said it all. Their paths would never have crossed if it hadn't been for that fateful day. The day when he walked into the coffee shop. Gayatri wondered if destiny chose our loved ones for us. Did we have any role to play at all?

She looked at her watch. Syed was late. They met every Thursday at five pm to catch up. Their conversation lasted for hours. Sometimes at the cafe, sometimes in his car, sometimes in places that she could never tell her friends about. They would never understand. And yet Syed made her happy.

Suddenly her phone beeped. He had sent a message. "On my way. Have something important to tell you."

Gayatri stared at it and realised she had knots in her stomach. Thoughts flooded her mind. What did he want to tell her?

Every chord struck her like lighting. Being an avid violinist her mind is always chanting her tunes. Her two inseparable things are music and Syed.

Apart from music, Syed had fair complexion, well built personality with manly feature. Syed’s handsomeness was deadly which is further cemented by his violin skills. He is an undeniable package.

Spotting Syed’s car, Gaytri plunged inside immediately and started questioning him with eager eyes about the surprise. Syed procrastinated to further increase her excitement. Noticing her disappointment, Syed broke, You are in at Atharva Music Fest..!!.

Syed did all ground work. Gaytri felt incredulous, knew it was Syed who made this happen. A selfie with sensual love making in Syed’s car filled the rest of the time.
Gaytri hurried home to meet another important man in her life. Her father Mr Ramasamy Iyer waiting for a delicious dinner. After retirement, he looked pale, dull and sober due to his struggle to raise Gaytri with his menial salary as a clerk. His next duty is to inform Gaytri’s arrival to one who supported them financial all these years, Vignesh, Gaytri’s cousin..!.

Vignesh’s vision is to be a youngest millionaire. His brain child M2, an event management firm with strong investor base is the lauchpad to envision it. Vignesh was influential. His success and smartness made Iyer seal him as his son-in-law very soon. Vignesh saw this as a lucarative offer considering two things; Gaytri was highly talented and conservative. She will be his good puppet.

After sumptuous dinner with her father, she retired on her bed. Her mind still fresh went nostalgic. 5 years back when her Violin tutor Nisha was showing signs of egress due to personal reasons, She promised Nisha to help her find a better tutor. Nisha’s farewell party at the coffee shop was the day when music went second in Gaytri’s life. The first place was stolen by Syed..!!

Nisha and Gaytri was occupied by two contrasting characters. Iyer carrying silence and Vignesh’s talk reflecting his dearth on music. Gaytri admired beauty in any form. She gives a second glance only when something is unique yet simple. Syed made her look more than twice. She admired his decisive personality when he was standing at the doorway. Her heart beat proliferated when Nisha introduced Syed as her future tutor.

Syed was Succinct in his words and attractive in his gestures. Gaytri desparately tried to wean of her thoughts towards him. It is something different yet magical.

Gaytri was surprised with Syed’s sudden request – to give a spot performance. Being for a conservative background, she was defensive and politely refused the same. Syed being a gentleman understood her hesitation and proceeded to give one of his own. Syed’s dexterity was immediately visible, if playing violin is art, then Syed is Picasso.

 A loud applause thundered its way across the coffee shop after his emblazing performance. He was quick to grab the mic which magically reduced the sound of cheer and elation. He wanted to dedicate this song to someone special tonight. They need more than your appreciation, something which can buy anything in this world, money. Vignesh smirked, whispered to Gaytri – He is a better business man than a musician. Syed gazed at Gaytri as if he was dedicating this to her. But he quickly rushed to the doorstep and accompanied rather more hesitant soul, Virun. Virun was homeless; parents dead due to a drunken driver parked his truck on them. He wanders the street, begs for survival and sob on his appalling future. Syed wanted to gently hand over the contribution to Virun and explained the reason behind it. The crowd cheered his magnanimous act. Syed sat near Gaytri and told ‘If you get a chance to make life better with music, don’t miss it..!! Its magical than music itself.

That fortuitous event at the coffee shop was the beginning of their relationship, Gaytri soon fell for Syed. Their relationship grew like a music, intangible yet very much alive.

Gaytri’s flight to Singapore was at 2.00AM the next day. Atharva fest is waiting for her. She planned to practice hard till 6PM and later reach airport soon to avoid any unplanned delay. Gaytri reached Syed’s studio much for a disappointment that Syed was busy elsewhere. A loving call assured his presence at the airport, Syed asked her to practice hard and rest can be discussed at the airport.

Gaytri was surprised to see Syed waiting at airport well ahead of her arrival. Syed explained his disappearance, Virun was sick, hospitalized and now doing fine. They spent memorable 30 mins before her check-in. Selfie and tears perfectly ended the meet.

Singapore was synonyms to heaven for Gaytri, She was elated and immediately checked-in via facebook through a kiosk at the airport. She was tired, yet energetic to relive each moment. Gaytri completed her immigration and was waiting to collect her baggage. Her phone rang frantically. She freezed, the voice on the other side said, your father met with an accident, hospitalized. Gaytri was worried as the call ended only with this bad news, nothing more to help her.

Immediately she dialed Syed, Sweat trickled her face and tears racing down her cheeks. There was no answer. The next moment there was another ring, Gaytri pounced on the call, it was Vignesh – he saw her FB check-in and said he was also at Singapore aware of her father’s accident. He wanted Gaytri to go back immediately and extended his support to rest of the things. Gaytri was worried and stress eating her out. Her last call was soothing, yet disturbed. Her phone rang again, this time she was speaking to the exact person she was worried of, her father. Iyer reassured that even though he is hurt yet safe and under medication. He wanted Gaytri to finish her mission at Singapore. He said her mother would also want the same. Gaytri had no other choice.

Gaytri was not interested in ingratiating her decision with Vignesh. She check-in at the hotel and registered her name. She wanted time to fly away, only to be with her father. Her detour ended with a lifeless performance. She thought Syed was not her better half but disappearing half when needed the most.

Her action was robotic, hurried to her dad to end her horrific wait. She felt soothing as soon as saw her father breathing among cluttered medical devices. She had tears in her eyes and pain in her heart imagining her only care-taker on verge of life and death.

Vignesh’s phone quickly made her to wake up to present. She had lost the event. The news was not as painful as her father’s illness, yet it was something she dreamt of achieving. A participant has to wait 3 more years to re-appear for the event. She sat down heavy with failure and disappointment.

Gaytri quickly closed her eyes, a warm touch made her to open it immediately. It was Syed.!!

Gaytri was angry, furious and puzzled to see Syed. She refused to speak with him and controlled her anger and tone as it was hospital environment. When Syed tried to force her attention to listen, he was attacked by four gundan who stormed the hospital and took Syed out in a second. Biranga Prabhu, Vignesh’s aid explained that Syed was the one who took her father for an unexpected walk and planned this murder. The motive was Sharmila, Gaytri’s friend, another student who was also applying for the atharva fest. Sharmila felt Gaytri was a threat. Syed being religious wanted to sideline Gaytri and clear the way to Sharmila.

Having felt humiliated and cheated, Gaytri broke down to the lowest point in her life. The nurse called Gaytri and gave her a good news which was rare since last 4 days, her father is back to conscious and wanted her inside.

Gaytri hold her father’s hand with hope and love, assured he will be back to normal life. Her father with great difficulty tried to whisper something to Gaytri. She handed over a pen and paper. Her father wrote, meet Syed..!!

When she came out of the hospital, immediately she hired an auto and rushed to Syed’s place. There was more people than usual and Syed had bandages rolled all over his wound caused by Gundas attack. As soon as he saw Gaytri, he sat up and tried to walk up to her. Gaytri came closer to avoid any strain for Syed. Syed handed over a paper to Gaytri. She opened and stared at Syed. It was a car number plate, belonging to Vignesh – TN O5 AE 2000.

Syed added, M2 sponsored the event. Dr. Govind M2’s flagship investor’s daughter also participated in the event. All other variable were favorable to her to steal the crown except you. The judges were unbiased and passionate about music. Hence Vignesh wanted you to miss the event, planned something else.

Gaytri was shocked on how god helped her to know the truth among many lies. It was Virun who overheard the conversion of 5 beastly men rejoicing their victory was ruining someone’s life. They successful staged a hit-and-run plan on a poor soul. They shouted Syed’s and Gaytri’s name and had villainous laugh. Virun recognized one of the face who was there at the coffee shop during Syed performance.

The boy was weak but his words were strong. ‘I am grateful to you for giving me a good food that day. It is time for me to give back something else to you. Hope I am of some use to someone in my life time. 

The boy approached Syed and they zeroed in the car. The arrest warrant is ready for Vignesh.

Syed assured, you lost in Atharva, but you will never in your life, till Syed is alive..!!

Gaytri realized the truth – Music and Love are inseparable, the poor needs it and the rich never realize it..!!